When people think of sunglasses, they don’t normally think of how they could be used in a practical sense. However, it’s safe to assume that when you are wearing them, you’re probably trying to avoid some form of glare, and it’s this thought-process that you should keep in mind when considering what sunglasses should be used in which context. A number of occasions and purposes exist where using sunglasses is anything if not necessary. When participating in these actions, you need to ask yourself three questions about the sunglasses you’ve selected. What’s the function? How comfortably do they fit? How’s the tint? After you determined these three things, you will be far better able to go about your business.
Ski and Sea
When considering the actual function of the sunglasses you’re using, the determining factor will ultimately be the activity you’re participating in. For instance, if you’re just driving around on a sunny afternoon, then you’ll probably go with a cheap variety of common sunglasses. However, if you’re snow-boarding down a steep mountainside, then you’ll probably need something with a high resistance to physical pressure, due to wind resistance. Or let’s say you’re going boating; whether it’s sailing, fishing or rowing, chances are you’re going to lean over the side of the boat a time or two. If you’re not wearing a pair of sunglasses that tightly fit around your ears or have a protective lanyard that drapes around your neck, there’s a good chance that you’ll lose your eyewear to the water. So ultimately your activity will determine the needed function of your sunglasses, besides reducing the glare.
A comfortable fit is very important when selecting the appropriate pair of sunglasses, especially when you’re considering what activity you will be participating in while wearing them. Considering the “sunny drive” scenario from before, you would be looking for a loose fit, one you could see yourself wearing for an extended period of time without any discomfort, that could be adjusted or taken off completely as you need it. Pretty much any pair that fits your head properly would do. However, once you introduce an aspect of sportswear, the comfort of the fit becomes that much more important because your performance will be affected by how comfortable you are. You won’t be performing at your best as long as you keep stopping to adjust eyewear.
Eye Protection
Much like the cases of comfort and function, the activity you’re participating in should influence your sunglass selection in terms of proper tint. After all, certain activities will require more shading than others. If you spend an extended amount of time in sun-bathed, shade free areas, like when hiking or climbing in an arid climate, then you will need to have more sun-protection for your eyes. Following along the same train of thought, eye protection becomes even more important when glare is compounded by the activity you’re doing, as in cases involving either water or snow where light will be reflected, making you more likely to experience some sight damage. The right tint can allow you to differentiate levels of snow while skiing, or allow you to look under glaring water for a suitable spot to fish, activities made much more difficult by the absence of the proper eyewear.
Not every situation calls for the use of sunglasses, and the situations that do don’t all call for the use of the same pair. You need to make your selection by figuring out what you need for what you’re doing. What kind of tint will you need? How comfortable should you be? What will you physically require from your sunglasses? Only you can determine what to wear as a result of considering these factors.
Author Information
John Sideman is a freelance writer residing Texas. The majority of his writing is geared toward optical and sports eyewear products offered by ADS Eyewear.